Wednesday 9 February 2011

Little Miracles

   I am not sure about you but until recently I had not realised to what extent little miracles occur in my life. I tend to look over the small things, or even the big things and it isn't until days, weeks or months after I realise that maybe, just maybe I had a little help from God.

   One such example, and in fact the reason for this post is my current employment. I work as security for night clubs, a bouncer Door Supervisor as we are called now days. It is an absolutely fantastic line of work. Yes the vomit, the blood, the constant carrying and "disposing" of certain individuals can be rather monotonous at times. Yes the constant abuse (both verbal and physical) is not what I would call my "cup of tea" but we all do what we have to in order to make a living do we not? I am just unbelievably thankful that I have a job in the first place, let alone one I love so much!
    Back to my point, due to the rather.... shall we say unrealistic loan figure given to me by student loans, I MUST work quite a few shifts a week in order to keep my head afloat (whilst other students don't have to work a day in their lives! but that is another story for another day) and I simply was not getting the work I needed. This was mainly due to my age, you see the quality of my work is second to none. I pride myself in my exceptionally high standard of work, however if you do not bear the "scars" of years in the business you are general subbed for an older, more experienced, often far less capable person.
    I was thinking to myself and myself alone as I did not want to worry my parents, "I NEED more work" or I could not stay at university..... Not a prospect I had ever fathomed when I enrolled. Cut to this Monday just gone, I wake up to bone shaking vibration that is a phone call when my mobile is rested on the metal bed frame. It was an unknown number which I usually ignore but hey, I was already bored so I thought why not?! Turns out my high standard of work has made quite a name for myself, the owner of a new security company had been given my details and he was searching ME out for WORK. How odd, not even a week after I had made the decision to look for more work and here I am on the phone with a man who is looking specifically for me...
   So to cut a long story short, we chatted for a while, I put on the "macho" front that is required when talking to others involved in this industry (my friends will tell you, I am not the macho air head guy!) and was called in to his office to sign some papers. 3 hours and a lot of tightly grasped hand shakes later I had 2 new regular work shifts with longer hours than I had hoped for with more work coming my way during the week!
   It wasn't until today I realised "Hey, wait a minute... that was all a bit too easy and quite a large coincidence!". I was so overcome with the joy of a brighter future to pay thanks to the person who made this all possible. Yes I am sure my hard work played a part in this process but I have NO doubt at all God sent this work my way as he saw I was struggling.  
   It is so easy to just accept these things and move on without a moments thought of how they came about and what really happened. I know I am particularly guilty of this but I am learning to open my eyes more and more each day. So how about you take a few minutes to think of any little miracles or gifts that have come your way and give thanks to the one who made them possible? Yes I am fully aware I have only had a few blog views and the chances of anybody being mind numbingly bored enough to read this is minute but as I have said (and quite selfishly) this blog is mainly for me!!

I would LOVE to hear about your little (or big) miracles so feel free to leave comments, I will read them all of them.
Have a great week!


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